Saturday, January 21, 2012

Storage Rooms For Flammable Chemicals

!±8± Storage Rooms For Flammable Chemicals

An inside storage room permits the storage of larger quantities of flammable and combustible liquids. However, there are specific requirements for its design and construction that must be followed to protect not only the workers but the general public and the environment.

A storage room for flammable chemicals must be constructed to meet the required fire-resistance rating for its use. It must comply with the following test specifications outlined in the National Fire Prevention Association Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, NFPA 251-1969:

It is recommended that a storage room for flammable liquids be located along an exterior wall because of the danger of explosion. A fire protection system for an inside storage room is a sprinkler system, water spray, carbon dioxide or other system that has been approved by local fire authorities. If an automatic sprinkler system is present, it must be designed and installed according to code. The maximum allowable size for a storage room inside a building is 500 square feet. Openings to other rooms or buildings must be provided with non-combustible, liquid-tight, raised sills or ramps, at least 4 inches below the surrounding floor. Approved self-closing fire doors must be used. The room must be liquid-tight where walls join the floor. An open-grated trench inside the room which drains to a safe place might be an acceptable alternative to the sill or ramp. If a lot of flammable liquids are transferred in and out of the room using hand trucks, this might be preferable. Windows in other exposed properties or exposed portions of the building must be protected as outlined in NFPA Standard for Fire Doors and Windows. Electrical Wiring and equipment located in an inside storage room used for Class I liquids must be approved under Subpart S, Electrical, for Class I, Division 2 Hazardous Locations. If storing only Class II and Class III, electrical wiring shall be approved for general use. An approved ventilation system must be installed.

Since flammable vapors are heavier than air, they hang low to the floor and can accumulate and move toward sources of ignition or other non-compatible chemicals. The ventilation system is vital in preventing flammable vapors from accumulating enough to cause an explosion or liquid fire. Every inside storage room must have either a gravity or mechanical exhausting system which provides a complete change of air within the room at least 6 times an hour. The switch for a mechanical venting system also controls all room lighting and must be located outside the storage room. If gravity venting is provided, the fresh air intake and the exhaust outlet from the room must be on the exterior of the building in which the storage room is located.

Additional Requirements:

Inside every storage room, an aisle at least 3 feet wide must be maintained, allowing for easy movement in the room. This is necessary to reduce the potential for spilling or damaging containers and to provide access for firefighting and a ready escape path from the room if a fire occurs. If wood is used for shelves, it must be at least 1 inch thick and it may also be used for racks, dunnage, scuffboards, floor overlay, etc.. Chemicals are not to be stored on unfinished wooden shelves. Finished metal or high density plastic (polypropylene) is recommended shelving for most chemicals. If wood is used, it must be sealed with a good grade oil based paint, natural or synthetic varnish. Proper segregation of chemicals must be maintained inside the storage room. Incompatible chemicals must be stored at a distance from each other or possible in partitioned areas. Chemicals should be stored at eye level to decrease chance of spilling or breakage and for ease of identification. Labels must be complete, legible and up to date. MSDS information must be available for all chemicals stored. At least 1 portable fire extinguisher with a rating of not less than 12-B units must be located outside the storage room, no more than 10 feet from the door opening into the room. Materials which react with water shall not be stored in the same room with flammable or combustible liquids. Containers over 30 gallons capacity must not be stacked on top of others.

Dispensing of chemicals is by an approved pump or self-closing faucet, or closed piping system. If flammable liquids are dispensed inside the storage room, a pilot light must be installed adjacent to the switch.

Storage Capacity

This depends upon the availability of a sprinkling system and the fire rating of the storage room. One with a fire rating of 2 hours and equipped with sprinklers is allowed to store a greater quantity of chemicals. If fire protection is present in a room that has a 2 hours fire resistance rating, storage allowed is 10 gallons per square foot. If there is no fire protection in this room, 4 gallons of chemicals per square foot is allowed. In a room that has a Fire Resistance Rating of 1 hour, with fire protection, the storage space is decreased to 150 square feet. The amount of flammable chemicals that can be kept in this room is 5 gallons per square foot. A room that has no fire protection and a fire resistance rating of 1 hour can store 2 gallons of flammable chemicals per square foot.

Storage Rooms For Flammable Chemicals

Shop For Pressure Washing House

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Faq on Modifying the Toyota Supra

!±8± Faq on Modifying the Toyota Supra

What does Bpu(Tm) stand for? (Bpu(Tm) is a trademark of

Basic performance Upgrades. These modifications are: A full length three inch down-pipe (with or with-out high flow cats), 3" (75mm) or bigger cat-back exhaust system, raised boost (18psi), and the required boost cut eliminator (Greddy Bcc) needed to accomplish that boost without activating the premise fuel cut-off at 14-15psi. These are the modifications that have proven to provide the best Hp-to-$$$ ratio.

What does the + mean when person says Bpu(Tm)+? And what is Apu?

That stands for any supplementary power producing modifications other than the basic Bpu(Tm) modifications. One "+" refers to Adj. Cam Gears and under-drive pulleys, the second "+" refers to a Fuel controller, Ecu upgrade, etc. For instance, a Supra with the Bpu(Tm) modifications, plus a front-mount intercooler, would be called Bpu(Tm)+. If you added cam gears to that, it would be Bpu(Tm)++, and so on. The "Bpu(Tm)" term is used until you have an upgraded turbo(s). Then it is referred to as Apu, developed performance upgrades. This designation pretty much covers every modification that can be performed.

What are the first machine modifications I should perform?

I propose starting with raising the boost of the stock turbos to roughly 18psi. This will want a potential boost gauge and a boost cut eliminator (Greddy Bcc). You will accomplish 15 or so Psi with the stock Down Pipe in place. This will provide an expanding of roughly 30rwhp. After those modifications are completed, it would be a logical next step to install the Down Pipe and Cat-Back Exhaust at the same time. You will now be at full Bpu(Tm).

What do all the assorted "Free Mods" do?

There are many different "free mods" for the Supra Tt. I will cover just a few of them here. The ones I will cover fall into three categories, boost control, Egr disabling, and Ttc or True Twin Conversion.

Three of the boost control mods are: Bleeder-T Mod, Clamp Mod, and the Vsv Bypass Mod. Each of these modifications raise boost levels without the use of a boost controller. But you have to keep a close eye on your boost gauge, and make sure they are not allowing the turbos to boost too high (18psi is a safe level).

The next mods, are the true twin conversion mods (or Ttc). This modification disables the Sequential twin turbo operation, and causes the turbos to run constantly in parallel (both on at the same time). This is supposed to allow for slightly good mid-range power (before the secondary turbo would usually come online) and allows for a smoother power band, without the abrupt boost growth caused by the transition from former to secondary operation. However, this does noticeably decrease low-end power, and increases exhaust noise levels, and therefore may not be desirable on the street. Two types of the Ttc mod are, the former Ttc mod which includes 2 methods, wiring the actuators, or installing a one way valve, and the Electronic Ttc mod (Ettc).

The last mod I will discuss is the Egr mod. This disables the Exhaust Gas Recirculation system, which is meant for emissions, and therefore, this modification is for off-road use only. This mod is supposed to preclude the super heating of the estimate 5 and 6 cylinders, which may cause burnt valves.

How much power will my car make at Bpu(Tm)?

It varies from car-to-car, and the conditions as well as tuning. Most Bpu(Tm)-only Supra Twin Turbos, dyno between 370 and 410 horsepower at the rear wheels. This is usually achieved with moderate temperatures, a reset Ecu (to erase anyone bad the Ecu may have learned), and often a minute bit of high-octane un-leaded race fuel. On the street, power will be reduced, especially in poor weather, but at least 90 percent of the power should be retained.

What kind of 1/4 mile Ets and trap speeds should I run at Bpu(Tm)-only?

It varies Widely depending on driver skill. As well as track conditions, elevation above sea level, ambient temperatures, humidity, and pre-race preparation. But most fall between 12.3 to 12.9 ets with 112 to 119mph trap speeds on street tires. Times can drop well into the 11s with drag radials, a good driver, and good conditions, as well as permissible pre-race preparation.

What is a Bpu(Tm)'d Supra Tt's top speed?

Speeds in the mid-high 180mph range should be achievable. Once the speed-limiter is disabled, by pulling the "Trac" fuse of course.

Will the life of my machine and Drivetrain be adversely affected with the Bpu(Tm) mods?

Yes, but not by a principal amount. If the car is maintained properly, and the car is treated with some respect for the components, you should verbalize much of the power train's life. Which inspecting the fact that the Supra is by far one of the most reliable and durable sports cars, it will last longer than most well maintained Stock sports cars. The only Drivetrain components that will see a significantly shortened life will be the stock clutch. It will more than likely not last much longer than 8-10k miles once at Bpu(Tm). This especially holds true if the car is development repeated high speed runs using 5th and 6th gear at wide open throttle. If your stock clutch has high mileage on it, or is already starting to slip, you will need to plan on a new high-performance clutch. Also the stock turbos will be subject to a somewhat shortened life span (how short will depend on how you drive and verbalize the car, as well as how much boost you will run)

What's the reliability of a 600hp Supra Turbo?

Chassis, electrical, and suspension components should see minute corollary on reliability on street driven Supras. The stock 2Jz-Gte machine should hold up pretty well to this power level. Just how long depends on maintenance, and how hard you drive it, and how often. But typically Supras can go for years at this power level. The transmission reliability will depend on either it's an automated or Manual. A stock automated will not hold this much power, a built transmission will be required, and it's reliability will depend on it's found and construction. The 6spd manual should hold up just fine, as well as the rear differential and axles.

The only real reliability concerns at these low power levels would surround the actual modifications you perform. Excluding premise short-comings, the components utilized, even very high potential ones, may fall short of premise component reliability, as the built in compromises that exist in everything, would lean more towards the side of ultimate performance, than of ultimate reliability (Keep in mind we are talking about a Toyota here, whose reliabilty standards are exceptionally high) This may comprise fuel ideas components, turbo components, and especialy electronic wizardry. Basically a set-up that is either Very well concieved, or utilizes Oe components as much as possible, without over burdening them, would posses *near* stock reliability. And tuning of the components, and component selection, and matching, would play a Huge role in this.

What are the power limits of the assorted premise components (Differential, Transmission, Motor, etc.)?

There have genuinely not been sufficient failures to genuinely pin point a limit for the assorted power-train components. The motor could fail at premise power levels if it was running dangerously lean. But when well tuned, the motors internals (Pistons, Rods, Crank, Head Gasket etc) are reliable to 700rwhp. But of course at these power levels, if the machine is not set-up and tuned properly, it is genuinely a bomb waiting to go off, however this would be just as true with a built motor. Some owners have pushed their stock internals to the limit and have well exceeded 800rwhp, and even approached 900rwhp. I still don't understand how such an over built motor made it past the bean counters at Toyota Corporate.

The 6-speed Getrag is ridiculously strong for an Oe transmission. Its limit's will be affected greatly by driving technique, such as launching, and either or not power shifting is used. Even driven hard, the Getrag should hold up reasonably well with 700Rwhp. If you treat it with some respect, it should be able to handle colse to 800Rwhp or more, although great care and respect will need to be practiced at those levels.

Differential, axle, Cv Joint, and drive shaft failures are a Very rare occurrence. So I don't have much info on their failure limits. On street tires, it would be roughly impossible to break any of these components at Any power level. The tires would spin before they would put the driveline under that kind of strain. The tires act sort of like a circuit breaker. If you run drag slicks, this does not hold true of course, yet they have proven themselves to be 10 and even 9 second capable.

Will drivability, interior noise levels, and low-end power be adversely affected with the Bpu(Tm) mods?

Drivability is not adversely affected. Interior noise level depends on the exhaust ideas you choose. Some will make it far louder; some will genuinely make it quieter. But most are just a minute bit louder than stock. But the added dBs are also combined with a Much sweeter exhaust note, so it's absolutely worth it. And the interior of the Supra is pretty quiet anyway, so on the highway, it will be Very livable. As far as low-end power goes, the down-pipe will greatly decrease Turbo Lag. So low-end power and response is much improved over stock.

Will emissions be adversely affected by the Bpu(Tm) mods?

As long as a high-flow cat is used, emissions should not be effected, and you should still pass optic inspection. If you run without catalytic converters, you are doing so at your own risk, and you would not pass optic or emissions testing.

Will fuel mileage be adversely affected by the Bpu(Tm) mods?

If driven calmly, as in light throttle, mileage should not be significantly affected. Mileage will greatly decrease while however, if you drive "vigorously", more power equals more burned fuel I am afraid.

Should I install an "Intake" (Open Element Filter)?

This is a bit of a yes and no answer. The stock filter assembly is a flow restriction, and an open element intake would growth potential flow. However, it will also draw in more heated machine compartment air, which can hurt performance. My advice is to either modify the stock filter box, or install a cool air induction box, like the Max Air. An added bonus of the open element filters, is that they allow you to genuinely hear the former turbo and by-pass valve.

What about the stock intercooler?

The stock intercooler does a decent job up till about 17psi on the stock turbos, after that you would probably notice a principal gain, especially in warmer temperatures, with a nice front mount intercooler. However, keep in mind it will block some of the airflow to the radiator, as well as decreasing response slightly.

Should I replace the premise rubber Intercooler hoses with aftermarket metal hoses?

It wouldn't hurt. But it won't help a lot either. At the most you may slightly growth throttle response, but at least it will look nicer.

What about the fuel system, are the stock injectors and fuel pump large sufficient for Bpu(Tm)?

Yes, the stock fuel ideas is very safe and reliable to 450Rwhp, although I would propose a fuel pulsation damper bypass. anyone over that, and I would extremely propose having the car dyno'd, and using a wide-band O2 sensor (not a cheap A/F gauge related to the stock O2) to check the fuel ratio at your high boost setting. 11.5:1 would be a safe fuel ratio.

What are the stock injectors rated at?


Would the Supra benefit from a fuel controller?

Bpu(Tm)'d Supras run a minute on the rich side as far as fuel ratios go. This hurts power. What it does do is provide a protection margin that makes machine damage straight through detonation unlikely. If you get a fuel controller, and tune it properly (on a dyno, with an precise Egt gauge, and a high band O2 (The Stock O2 sensors are not accurate), then you should be able to gain a noticeable estimate of power. One of the most favorite electronic fuel controllers is the A'Pexi S-Afc. The Fields Sfc is good too.

What should I use to growth my boost level, an Electronic Boost Controller, or a manual Bc?

Using an Ebc is the safest way to raise boost, it will preclude spiking and over-boosting. But it genuinely comes down to your budget. If you can afford an Ebc, get one. If you can't, go with a Mbc. And always keep an eye on that boost gauge. And anyone you are using to control boost, remember to not get carried away, I don't propose going usually over 18psi.

What is the best Electronic Boost Controller?

There genuinely is no Best. Although the A'Pexi Avc-R is a nice unit, it provides much more control over boost than other Ebcs, but it is also more involved to install, and tune. The new Blitz unit is also nice. Most of the large manufacturers make decent units. Just avoid fuzzy-logic qualified models if you still have the sequential stock turbos, they will become "confused" by the unnatural behavior of the sequential system.

When installing my Ebc, do I associate it to both of the Turbo's Wastegates?

The former Turbo is the only one with a wastegate. When in full twin turbo mode, the boost of both Turbos is regulated by the former turbo's wastegate. So, only associate it to the Primary's.

Some citizen say I need to replace my Ecu with a reprogrammed one, instead of just using a boost controller. Do I?

Reprogrammed Ecus for the Supra Tt are Very $$$. They are in the 00 range. And they have not been proven to provide a principal growth in performance or protection on Bpu(Tm) level cars. Their merit shows itself on cars with upgraded Turbo(s). Just be sure you buy your Ecu, or have it reprogrammed by a reputable shop that knows what they are doing. And have it tailored to your single car (Driving habits, and Mods). And I would also propose taking a look at the Aem Programmable system.

What is a safe boost level to run at Bpu(Tm)?

The normal consensus is 17-18psi. Some citizen have taken it higher, but I don't propose it if you don't have the money for a turbo replacement/upgrade.

Which Down-Pipe is recommended?

The Rmm (or Rod Millen Motorsports) Cat-less Downpipe is the most ordinarily used. however many other brands exist. Some down-pipes, such as the Random Technology Dp, feature an emissions legal high-flow catalytic converter.

Will a high-flow cat hurt performance?

It will have some corollary on power output, but not a lot. Its exact corollary on Hp is not clear, but it probably costs a few hp at the most, maybe 5-15hp at Bpu(Tm) power levels.

What is a Down-Pipe?

It is the section of the exhaust ideas that connects the outlet of the Turbocharger's Turbine section to the "Cat-Back" exhaust system. The Downpipe is also where the two catalytic converters are located, as well as the O2 sensor (or sensors in Obd-Ii cars).

I have an Obd2 car. Can I still install a Down-Pipe?

Yes. But unless the Dp has a Catalyst and a second location for an O2 sensor, you will trip your check machine light, unless you get one of those O2 "black boxes".

Which Exhausts are the loudest?

The Tanabe Racing Medallion, and Hks Hiper Titanium seem to be the two loudest systems.

Which Exhausts are the quietest?

The Tanabe Hyper Medallion, the discontinued Tanabe G-Power Medallion and the Greddy (Sp) street performance seem to be the quietest. At anyone less than full throttle, they are no louder than stock. But at full throttle they seem to "wake up" a bit.

What are some recommended exhaust systems?

It depends on your personal preferences. Below I will break down some of my recommendations based on certain combinations of preferences.

Subtle Styling / Very Low Cost:

-Random Technology (75mm, full stainless steel)

Subtle Styling / Low Sound Level / Moderate Cost:

-Greddy street performance (80mm)

-Tanabe Super Hyper Medallion (80mm, full stainless steel, 50-state legal)

Subtle Styling / Moderate Sound Level / Moderate Cost:

-Atr (75mm, full stainless steel)

Tasteful Styling / Low-Moderate Sound Level / Low Cost:

-Hks Dragger Ii (85mm)

Tasteful Styling / Low-Moderate Sound Level / Moderate Cost:

-Greddy Power ultimate (80-94mm)

-Hks Super Dragger (95mm)

Tasteful Appearance / Moderate Sound Level / High Cost / Super Light:

-Veilside Tear Drop Titanium (90mm, full titanium)

Tasteful-Wild Styling / Low Sound Level / Moderate Cost:

-Trd 2nd gen.

Wild Styling / Moderate Sound Level / Low Cost:

-A'Pexi N1

-Hks Hiper (75mm)

Wild Styling / Moderate Sound Level / Moderate Cost:

-A'Pexi Gt Spec (95mm, full stainless steel)

-Blitz Nur Spec (80mm, full stainless steel)

-Hks Hiper Carbon/Titanium (75mm, Cf wrapped muffler, titanium tip)

Wild Styling / High Sound Level / Moderate Cost:

-Tanabe Racing Medallion (80mm, 50 state legal)

Wild Styling / High Sound Level / High Cost / High Flow:

-Hks Hiper Titanium (104mm, titanium muffler)

What is the cheapest route to replacing the Dp and Cat-Back?

Have a convention performance exhaust shop found a faultless 3" exhaust ideas (Turbo-to-Tip). It should cost well less that 0. And then you can use the muffler and exhaust tip of your choice.

Which Fuel Cut Eliminator is recommended?

The Greddy Bcc (Boost Cut Controller) is extremely recommended.

What does the Fuel Cut Eliminator do?

The premise Ecu is programmed to originate a fuel cut if the complicated pressure exceeds 14-15psi. It does this as a protection part to preclude what the Ecu sees as over boosting. The Fuel Cut Eliminator effectively eliminates, or at least raises the cut to a higher pressure. A reprogrammed Ecu can also eliminate this function.

Which boost gauge is recommended?

Any high potential boost gauge will work well. Accuracy is the foremost feature to look for. Autometer gauges are a good value. The Japanese gauges, A'Pexi, Greddy, Hks, etc., have more features, but at a much higher price.

Where can the boost gauge be installed in the interior?

If you want to mount it in the dash, the two most favorite places are the Clock location (which holds a 52mm gauge), and the Air Vent beside it (which holds a 60mm gauge). You can also use an A-Pillar gauge pod.

What is the stock boost pressure?


Are Cam Gears a good modification for the Supra Tt?

Yes, they have been shown to provide a 5-15rwhp gain on a Bpu(Tm)'d car. But to citation their potential, you must have them tuned, by a knowledgeable tuner, on a dyno. And most of the power gains will be seen on the exhaust side. I also propose buying cam gears which feature 5-bolts.

Are Under Drive Pulley(s) a good modification for the Supra Tt?

Most of the crank-shaft under-drive pulleys want the dismissal of the premise torsional damper.

This is from :"this is Not an external (harmonic) balancer, as the crankshaft is fully balanced, rather it dampens both the axial twisting couples produced by the firing pulses, and the radial bending moment from the accessory drive belt."

Basically this device provides crutial isolation between the machine driven accessories, and the crankshaft. However, dismissal of this can provide a 10-15rwhp gain, but at a cost for long term use.

Do I need to upgrade the ignition when upgrading to Bpu(Tm)?

The stock ignition ideas is Very capable of supplying sufficient fire for a Bpu(Tm)'d car. The stock ignition ideas uses 6 large coils, one for each cylinder. So the ideas is capable of supporting Very impressive Hp levels. You may need to change to a colder range plug with a tighter gap (see below).

What about the spark plugs, which are recommended at Bpu(Tm) or higher level?

Basically you want similar plugs as stock, but a cooler heat range and a smaller gap. The stock plugs are Ngk Bkr6Ep-11 (2978) and are platinum tipped and have a .044 (1.1mm) gap. The ideal Ngk transfer for a modified Supra would be the Bkr7E (6097). It is one range cooler (the '7'), is non-platinum tipped (the lack of the 'p') and has a smaller .0315 gap (lack of the '-11'). This plug is also called the Ngk 6097 and they are fairly inexpensive. Platinum tipped plugs are not desired for high power applications, Iridium plugs are more prefered. Unfortunately their doesn't seem to be a Bkr8E which might be good for high-Hp Supras.

Another good plug to try is the Denso Iridium Ik22 or Ik24. These plugs may last longer than the above mentioned Ngks, but are also 6 times as expensive. The stock transfer plug would be the Ik20, the Ik22 is one step cooler, and the Ik24 is two steps cooler than stock. The Ik22 would be good for ~400rwhp to ~600rwhp. The Ik24 would probably be a good selection above that. Two other plugs ordinarily used are the Ngk 3330 (Bcpr7Es) which differ much more from the specifications of the stock plugs than Ngk 6097. Also the Rapid Fire #5 used to be very popular, but are more expensive, don't last as long, and have fallin out of favor. Both of those plugs have been known to cause minute stumbling at idle. Plugs on Supras do not live long, usually colse to 5,000-10,000 miles. So I propose replacing them with every other oil change.

What is the Hks Vpc and Gcc?

It is an electronic device, which electronically and physically removes the extremely restrictive mass airflow sensor from the intake tract. Vpc stands for Vein Pressure Converter. The Hks Gcc is a device that allows supplementary fine-tuning of the Vpc.

Do I need an after-market Blow off Valve?

It is not genuinely required, but it is a good idea. The premise by-pass valve is prone to failure, and an aftermarket Bov is probably a wise investment for preventing turbo damaging compressor surge. And it sounds cool too. However, it must be noted that if you still have the premise mass-air flow sensor, a blow-off valve, which is vented to the atmosphere, may cause stumbling between shifts.

Can I run Nitrous Oxide on the Supra Tt, even if I am already at Bpu(Tm) power levels?

Yes. Most citizen run 50-75 shot wet complicated systems. If you want to run a higher shot than this, you might want to reconsider a well-designed direct port system. I have seen as much as a 200-shot used on one of these systems, and an upgraded fuel ideas would be a must.

450hp just isn't enough, what can I do?

Ah the possibilities Basically you are only minute by your imagination, and your wallet. You know what they say, speed costs money, how fast do you want to go?

The real power lies in single and Twin turbo upgrades, and the options are limitless. You can either build a mild motor that puts out 450 Rwhp all day long with instant boost response, or a 1000+ Rwhp monster.

Unfortunately, things start getting more difficult after uncomplicated Bpu(Tm) modifications. Modification becomes more than "bolt on Downpipe, gain 50hp". Things like tuning, parts selection, and matching combinations of parts become much more important. However, this is the case with Any high Hp car. Actually, even at exceptionally high power levels, the Supra Tt is still easier to citation power from than roughly any other performance car. But it should be kept in mind, that it wouldn't be as uncomplicated as the Bpu(Tm) bolt-ons.

If you just want something that will toast that pesky Viper Gts. Then focus on a mild single turbo upgrade (T04S04, T60-1, Sp57-Sp61). Along with this, you should install a front mount intercooler, a fuel controller, fuel pulsation damper bypass and Egt gauge. This is assuming you have done all the Bpu(Tm) mods, plus Bov, Ebc, Cam Gears. With tuning, and a few odds and ends, you should be able to pull 450-500 Rwhp (490-580 crank Hp) numbers while on a stock fuel ideas (assuming it is in great condition). This would be a total investment of roughly ,700-,500 in engine/electronic components (also includes the permissible gauges). If you already have the Bpu(Tm) mods or Fmic, etc., you will spend less than this. The variation in prices reflects the cost of higher end parts and expanding of a Hks Vpc to replace the restrictive stock Maf.

The next level would want a completely upgraded fuel system, and performance cams would be recommended, as well as supplementary electronics (programmable machine supervision such as the Aem, or Vpc/Gcc/Ecu combo, etc.). This would allow you to run much larger turbos and injectors. You can make it past the 700Rwhp range without needing to replace the internals of the motor with stronger components, even at these power levels, if properly tuned and maintained you should retain a fair estimate of reliability while still on the stock internals, as some citizen have eclipsed the 800Rwhp level while still running stock lowest ends in their Supras. If you choose to go ahead and build up the lowest end, then the skies are the limit as far as power goes. Just make sure to have part selection, installation, and tuning done by competent and experienced persons. Although this should hold true at Any level of modification.

Should I install a Turbo Timer?

Absolutely. Unless you don't mind sitting in your car while it idles down every single time you need to turn the car off. A Turbo timer keeps the machine running for a preset time once you turn off the ignition. So you can remove your keys, and lock up the car and not have to worry about it, it will shut off on it's own. This is foremost for the life of the turbos. If the turbos are not given time to cool down, it can overheat the oil and cause coking which will block oil flow to the turbos and damage bearings and cook seals.

How much is the Supra's power yield affected by changes in ambient temperatures?

Very noticeably, just as with most turbo cars, the Supra Twin Turbo can be very temperature sensitive. Especially with the stock turbos and intercooler. On a Bpu(Tm) car, I would not be surprised to see a 10 percent discount between 50-60deg temperatures, and 90deg plus temperatures

Will the stock clutch hold the power levels of a Bpu(Tm) car?

It depends on the condition and wear on the stock clutch. If it is in good condition, yes, it will hold the power, pretty well in fact, although you may touch clutch slip while at full boost in high gears such as 5th and 6th. If you drive vigorously, meaning you run at high boost frequently, then the life of the stocker will be Greatly shortened. Be surprised if you see an extra 10,000 miles after Bpu(Tm).

Can I resurface my flywheel when replacing the clutch?

It is not recommended. Buy a new Toyota Flywheel.

Can I install a lightweight flywheel?

Yes, but be aware that they can create a lot of noise at idle, and can send more vibrations and shock to the costly Getrag transmission.

Why is pulling the Trac fuse beneficial over just turning it off with the switch on the center console?

Just pushing the "Trac Off" button only partially disables the Trac system. It disables the Trac throttle body and Trac funtion straight through the Abs ideas (on 93.5-96 only), but not the Trac system's ignition timing slow down function. Unplugging the Trac fuse eliminates both functions, as well as the 155mph speed limiter, which works straight through the trac system. The fuse can be found in the main fuse box on the driver's side of the machine compartment. It must be noted that removing the fuse will cause the Trac light to stay on, but you'll get used to it.

Will the Trac ideas heighten the cars performance?

No. The Trac ideas was calibrated to heighten traction in slippery conditions. It was not calibrated with performance in mind. When the Trac ideas senses a loss of traction, it comes on hard, cutting power drastically; this will do nothing but hurt performance. I also would not rely on the Trac ideas for providing stability at high speeds, if you were to loose control, it would be too slow and clumsy, and would more than likely hamper your efforts to procure control.

How can I remove the premise 155mph speed limiter?

Remove the fuse for the Trac system. The speed limiter works straight through the Trac throttle body.

What is the Supra Tt's top speed with the Trac fuse removed?

There is some consider on this subject. There are rumors that 180 can be achieved. But by going with the numbers, 168-172mph in stock form seems possible.

What is the Supra Tt's maximum theoretical top speed? Can it exceed 200mph with sufficient power?

Lets find out.

The Supra Tt with the 6-speed has a stock machine redline of 6800rpm, and a 6th gear ratio of .79:1, with a rear axle ratio of 3.13:1. Now we multiply our 6th gear ratio times our rear axle ratio, and we find out our final gear ratio is 2.472:1. Now we divide 6800rpm by our total gear discount of 2.472:1 and we find out our rear axles, and therefore wheels are spinning at 2751rpm at 6800 machine rpms.

Now we need to suspect our tire circumference. The rear tires section width it 255mm, and the sidewall's aspect ratio is .40, so our sidewalls are 102mm. Now, to change this to inches, we divide this by 25.4, which equal's 4.015 inches. Now multiply this by two, since we have two sidewalls development up the total diameter, and add the wheel diameter of 17", and we see a total diameter of 25.031 inches. Now to find out our circumference, we multiply that estimate times pi (3.14), and we find out the circumference is 78.59 inches, now divide that by 12 to change to feet. And we get 6.549 feet total circumference.

Now multiply our tire's revolving speed, by the tire's covering circumference, and we find that the tire is covering 18,016 feet per minute, divide that by the 5280 feet in a mile, and we find we are covering 3.412 miles per minute, now multiply that by the 60 minutes in an hour, and we find we are traveling 204.7miles per hour @ 6800rpm in 6th gear. If the engines redline is increased to 7500rpm, which it often is, because of a higher flowing turbo. Then our maximum speed would be 225.8mph, given sufficient power of course.

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Your Staintune Exhaust Questions Answered

!±8± Your Staintune Exhaust Questions Answered

Humble Beginnings

Staintune was founded in 1980 in Australia. Staintune has produced a firm reputation for creating exhausts with a consistently high quality of design, performance and sound in both Australia and many other countries.

Skilled Engineers and Product Development

The highly skilled employees at Staintune manufacture hand made performance exhaust systems covering most popular makes of motorcycles, with new products being created and tested continuously.

Every new Staintune Exhaust product enters an extensive research and development protocol including dyno testing, road/race research and noise emission testing. Many of the performance and competition exhausts are tested by professional pro class riders in harsh race conditions.

The Customer is King - The Customer Feedback Loop

The customer feedback loop has always been an important part of the Staintune development of new exhausts and in turn they produce motorcycle exhausts that truly meet the demands of enthusiasts.

Durable High Quality Stainless Steel

Every Staintune exhaust is made from 304 grade stainless steel which is one of the most durable materials to use and is impervious to all kinds of corrosion. 304 grade stainless steel can be polished to a mirror-like finish. Due to the nature of 304 stainless steel, at any stage of the exhaust's life it can be buffed back to a deep new shine. Staintune motorcycle exhausts are probably not the lightest exhausts available, but are made to outlast the competition.

Staintune Sponsors Honda Off-road

When you purchase a Staintune product you have a high-performance, perfectly fitting exhaust system with superior quality, sleek design and a note you could dance to. Staintune has been a major sponsor of Australian off-road racing including 2003 and 2004 Staintune Honda Off-road Team.

Exhausts Designed to Last

Staintune exhausts are designed and tested to increase the overall efficiency, appearance and sound of a stock configured motorcycle. Staintune does not specifically focus on horsepower production. While their systems are made for sports bikes with excellent performance results, their focus is not on radically modified specials. Their goal is to create an exhaust for real world street riders looking to utilize the highest quality system available on the market today.

Do you want something you can simply take out of the box, bolt on and go?

Greater emphasis is placed on enhancing overall dynamic response during normal street-riding conditions, rather than making boisterous claims to big horsepower increases available only at high RPM and full throttle. Most riders would never use that power during typical riding anyway.

The Bottom Line

Staintune exhausts systems will out last all other brands, particularly under the intense demands of stop and go urban riding. By using only stainless steel, you will have a long lasting pleasurable experience with your exhaust.

Your Staintune Exhaust Questions Answered

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Friday, January 6, 2012

Magnaflow 15803 Stainless Steel 2.25" Dual Cat-Back Exhaust System

!±8± Magnaflow 15803 Stainless Steel 2.25" Dual Cat-Back Exhaust System

Brand : Magnaflow | Rate : | Price : $345.50
Post Date : Jan 06, 2012 19:03:04 | Usually ships in 24 hours

  • Reduces engine heat and back pressure
  • Manufactured from heavy-duty stainless steel
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More Specification..!!

Magnaflow 15803 Stainless Steel 2.25" Dual Cat-Back Exhaust System

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Top 10 Gas Scooters

!±8± Top 10 Gas Scooters

Many manufacturers of gas scooters have come and gone in the past 10 years. It has become a very competitive industry; especially since the influx of cheaper Chinese brand clones entering the U.S. market. That being said, the quality gap between USA made and Chinese made scooters still heavily tilts in favor of the USA branded scooters. It is no surprise that 10 out of the 10 top gas scooters are all USA made scooters.

1. EVO 2X Powerboard

The Evo 2X is a third generation gas scooter from Puzey Design. The Evo brand powerboards are the highest quality products on the market and the fastest scooters ever built. The 2-speed gearbox is a patented, unique drive system that is the heart of the Evo 2X. It is the first two speed scooter in the world.

The range of applications of powerboards and scooters have thus far been limited by low revving, low horsepower engines. Now with the 2-speed gearbox, you can have the power when pulling off, or going uphill, in first gear and have the top speed with 2nd gear. Steep hill climbs for riders over 250lbs are no problem for the Evo 2X.

Another technological advancement found in the Evo 2X is the patented Cam-Link suspension. It is a true suspension system that offers a smooth ride, while offering excellent resistance when landing after jumps. Once you try it you will simply see there is nothing like it. This suspension is the strongest, most robust front suspension in the industry today.

The Evo 2X is one of the most reliable scooters ever produced. The steel and T6 aluminum frame are nearly indestructible. There have been reports of Evo scooters going 1300 miles without even replacing a belt.

Things you'll never have to replace include:

The Frame and Suspension - Even though this scooter is largely designed with light weight aluminum, it is reinforced with steel where necessary. This makes the frame and structure of the scooter nearly indestructible.

The Engine - The Active 50 is not only an impressive power plant, it is also one of the most reliable engines available. A properly maintained engine which is run on 91+ octane fuel with a proper mix (1:40 - 1:50) will last the life of the scooter.

The Deck - The Evo 2X comes with one of the sturdiest decks available for a scooter. Although it is aluminum, it is unbelievably resilient to scratching and will never bend or crack.

2. Go-Ped GTR46i - Trail Ripper Interceptor

The Goped GTR Interceptor is an on-road, street racing version of the Goped GTR46 Trail Ripper. This high-performance Go-Ped now comes with the following modifications:

New quieter exhaust system Smooth ride AT Primo Duro Trap aggressive treaded street tires Higher speed, better fuel economy Quieter GSR46R 6-76 sprocket drive ratio

These modifications make the Go-Ped GTR46i perfect for those that want to experience the fully suspended plush ride on paved and unpaved surfaces that comes only from the race proven and patented CIDLI suspension system. Dubbed C.I.D.L.I. for Cantilevered Independent Dynamic Linkless Indispension, this unique front and rear swing arm system is indispensable to this practical and fun light weight off-road machine.

3. Go-Ped Riot

The Go-Ped Riot was introduced along side the Go-Ped GTR46 as a pitbike like "scooter". Like the GTR46, the Go-Ped Riot features front and rear CIDLI suspension.

Using the patented Trail Ripper adjustable suspension system in the front and rear, it offers riders great off-roading capabilities with 6" of travel on each end. Powered by the powerful Go-Ped GP460RS engine geared at 6:98, the rugged and highly reliable Go-Ped Riot gives excellent bottom end and a stock top speed of 30mph. The centrifugal clutch provides for a very user friendly yet thrill-packed ride.

4. Martin Monster Beast

The Martin Monster Beast is the most powerful MMI production scooter available. It comes stock with a 52cc Mitsubishi engine which has almost twice the torque as the RC230 powered scooters. Each Beast is hand built by a single technician.

The frame uses the same dual suspension system Martin Monsters has become famous for. The frame is show chromed and hand polished. The drive chain is a robust 35 pitch heavy duty chain with a centrifugal clutch for easy stop-and-go use. The Beast is very powerful but also very quiet with tremendous reserves of power and torque. The Martin Monster Beast comes with an anti-vibration system for a very smooth vibration free ride. Many aftermarket performance parts are available to further customize your Beast.

5. Go-Ped GTR Roadster

The Goped GTR Roadster is an economy version of the Goped GTR46i. With the exception of the smaller Chung Yang GPL290 engine and welded T-bar handlebars, the GTR Roadster is the exact same scooter.

This cool scooter features the race proven, patented, adjustable and bullet proof GTR full 6" CIDLI suspension frame. To that we've installed the incredibly light, yet powerful and quieter GPL290 engine with TT tires and sprocket drive ratios of the GSR Cruiser.

6. Martin Monster Super Shocker

The Martin Monster Super Shocker is a dual purpose machine equally at home, off road, or on. It comes with 10" pneumatic knobby tires, to handle any terrain. The Super Shocker comes with a heavy duty automatic clutch which allows hands free stop-and-go operation.

This is the first and the best production scooter to use full suspension. The front suspension is telescoping motorcycle style and the rear is mono shock absorbing with up to 4" of travel. A drilled front disk brake gives sure fast stopping. Power from the Martin Monster Super Shocker is by the Komatsu Zenoah RC230 engine with 2.5HP.

7. EVO 2 Powerboard

The Evo 2 is a third generation gas scooter from Puzey Design. The Evo brand powerboards are the highest quality products on the market and the fastest scooters ever built. The 2-speed gearbox is a patented, unique drive system that is the heart of the Evo 2X. It is the first two speed scooter in the world.

The Evo 2 is a high-performance, two speed scooter released as a more economical version of the Evo 2X. Unlike its big-brother, the Evo 2 does not have front suspension or a scrub board to protect the under-deck area. Rather than the impressive Active 50, the Evo 2 sports the milder Active 40 engine.

Since the Evo 2 does have the two speed transmission of the Evo 2X, it still does perform impressively despite the lack of performance in the Active 40 engine. If the Evo 2 is being used purely for transportation, the Active 40 will provide enough power along with the two speed transmission, but if any real speed is desired, an engine upgrade should be the first step.

That being said, the Evo 2 is one of the most reliable scooters ever produced

8. Go-Ped Super GSR46R

The Go-Ped GSR46R is one of the most powerful street scooters released by Go-Ped. It is intended to be a street-only scooter since it lacks any form of frame-based suspension. When it was released, the GSR46R, Go-Ped marketed it as the fastest production scooter in the world. Although the claim is debatable, it could very well have been true due to the high speeds attainable with the large R460 engine.

Developed on the legendary GSR40Tsi - Interceptor Go-Ped - the Super GSR46R is powered by the same motor as on the fearless Trail Ripper GTR46. Equipped with a patent pending centrifugal clutch chain drive mechanism geared at 6/76, the GP460RS engine delivers 4.2HP and 2.31 ft-lbs torque with a 17,500 redline, providing for excellent performance at low and high speeds. Tunable, it can even reach 5.5+ HP and 2.6+ ft-lbs of torque with the addition of an aftermarket expansion chamber.

The front and rear Mad Dog disc brakes provide excellent braking performance perfectly matched for the power output of the Go-Ped Super GSR46R.

All of Patmont Motor Werks finest racing components come standard: Heavy duty 4130 chromoly steel frame and double sided fork, pneumatic TT tires mounted with magnesium rims and 20" Motorcycle style "Tim Patmont bend" racing handlebars fitted with a slide tube clamp, billet stem pro clamp, Go-Ped race pad and Pro control levers.

9. Martin Monster Moto

The Martin Monster Moto is a full suspension, chain driven scooter which inherited much of its design from its older brother, the Martin Monster Beast. The Moto's advanced design features include such technical innovations as an anti-vibration system, which provides for a smooth vibration free ride. Other features include dual disk brakes, heavy duty chain drive, automatic clutch and front & rear suspension.

10. Go-Ped GSR Cruiser

The GSR Cruiser is the perfect machine for the customer wanting a quiet, reliable and economical motorized scooter with good performance, but also for beginners wanting an affordable, safe and easy to learn first scooter. PMW believes it is the perfect machine for a very large segment of motorized scooter enthusiasts.

The Go-Ped GSR Cruiser is also the perfect machine for motor heads and the after market community, as chassis upgrades and screaming engine mods are widely available. The GSR Cruiser's power plant, the new GPL290, is based on the high performance GP290RS engine, designed to be a very reliable, quiet and economical cruiser. Top speeds for the GSR Cruiser are in the mid 20mph range, and its horse power is similar to the earlier GSR40.

Stopping power comes from the front Mad Dog brake caliper and double ground and hardened stainless steel Wave disc rotor. The rear brake mount is ready for the rear brake upgrade should the customer so choose to modify for more speed which needs more stopping power.

Top 10 Gas Scooters

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